Do you have a flabby tummy? Is looking in the mirror always been hard for you because you are too insecure about your body, specially your stomach? Well, you are not the only one. Thousands of people suffer from insecurity because they do not like the way their tummy looks. It’s either too bulky, sagging or just not well toned. But in today’s world, just like there is a solution to all your problems, there is a solution to this one too. Cosmetic surgeries are nothing new and ever since they have become extremely popular, they are not just refined but also very safe. This means, you can get a flat, toned stomach without having to put yourself through the pain of crunches and sit-ups, every day.

What Is A Tummy Tuck Surgery?

The answer to all these insecurities is simple; a tummy tuck surgery. Abdominoplasty aka tummy tuck surgery, Miami, helps with loose skin and excess fat in the lower abdominal area to give you a slimmer, tighter contour. The Miami tummy tuck surgeons make a horizontal incision near your pubic hairline, contouring the underlying abdominal muscles, tissue, and skin as well as move your belly button. Lastly, they pull down the upper abdominal skin to close the skin incisions using sutures, skin clips, tapes, or adhesives.

There are three different types of tummy tuck surgeries: an extended alternative aka high lateral tension, panniculectomy and reverse tummy tuck. Each one has a different procedure and is used for a slightly different purpose. Professional at Dolls Plastic Surgery always inform their clients about all three of them so that they can make an informed decision. Here is what each one of them does:

High Lateral Tension or Extended Abdominoplasty

This type of tummy tuck is best recommended for people who want to get rid of large part of fat such as ‘love handles’. To perform the extended abdominoplasty, the best tummy tuck surgeons in Miami will make a longer incision covering the entire width of the stomach, extending to the rear of the hips. Here, they will remove and reposition the navel as well as tighten the underlying muscles. The patient will need to stay at the hospital overnight for recovery.

Reverse Tummy Tuck

The reverse tummy tuck surgery, Miami involves making an incision on the upper abdomen below the breasts. It is suitable for people who have a toned lower stomach but has a soft, shapeless, protruding skin on the upper stomach area. The surgeon will make either two small incisions or one longer one below or in the breast folds. It includes removing the excess fat and skin and tucking the abdomen upwards to the breast area.


Panniculectomy is best for someone who has lost a lot of weight as this is a non-surgical option that will help get rid of the excess skin and tissue. A panniculectomy is not a cosmetic procedure, but it can give great aesthetic results when performed together with a tummy tuck and liposuction.

Dolls Plastic Surgery has some of the best tummy tuck surgeons in Miami. They help clients achieve a flat and toned stomach, tightened muscles and improve overall wellbeing. Because at the end of the day, the goal is to help clients feel good about themselves when they look in the mirror!

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